Friday 10 August 2007

Planet Zinfandel

I was stuck for a name for this blog when I came across David Rees' devastating attack on Michael Ignatieff. The following paragraph amused me hugely:

Right off the bat, he's saying: "It was right for me to support the Iraq war when I was an academic, because academics live in outer space on Planet Zinfandel, and play with ideas all day. But now, as a politician in a country that opposed the war, I'll admit I screwed up, because politicians must deign to harness the wild mares of whimsy to the ox-cart of cold, calculated reality." So, although his judgments were objectively wrong, they were contextually appropriate. Sweet! You've been totally 0wn3d by Michael Ignatieff! And so have all those dead Iraqis.

The whole thing is fantastic, but anyway, as I'm currently doing a Ph.D and do the occasional bit of teaching I can consider myself one of the minor inhabitants of 'Planet Zinfandel'. Et voila, one title for a blog. Thank you David Rees.

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